Friday, December 20, 2013


Amanda Smith walks around a book exchange center on May first 2012 in alabama. Amanda searched for new books to read and exchange for some she already read to get a better knowledge and expand her horizons. 

Pope francis sits down and talks to Christopher Walken June fifth 2013 in the vatican. pope francis calmly talked with christopher about some plans he has for the future.

1. Rule of thirds- the main objet in the picture is placed to the farther left or right grid marks instead of the center.
2. Balancing Elements- the whole picture is weighted evenly with things all around to make it well balanced.
3. Leading Lines- the picture is taken with linear shapes in or around the subject.
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- shapes, forms, colors, or textures are being repeated to create a sort of pattern.
5. Viewpoint- the angle or point at which you take the picture which can make it tell a different story.
6. Background-a picture with the subject standing or placed in front of a plain and simple background.
7. Create depth-a photograph which shows how far a things appear to be.
8. Framing-a picture with things around the subject to make it appear like a frame.
9. Cropping- a picture that shows the main thing in most of the photo, no space is being taken up by unimportant thing.
10. Mergers and avoiding them- avoiding things that cause the picture to look weird like cutting off a person, blending into something because of the color.

Aperture- the size of the opening that lets light into the
Shutter Speed- the speed at which the shutter closes in order to take the picture.



Monday, December 16, 2013

Types of photos

Tip #4: Set the Timer High and Use Burst

Background is key:

i really like this picture because of her pose and the rock behind her

i really liked this picture because of the viewpoint and the location and lighting.

i like the background and the guys pose in this one

 i like this one because it looks posed but it still has sort of a natural position.

i like this picture because it looks like the ones you would see in big picture frames in fancy houses.
i like this picture because it looks classy, and it has a simple background.

for the assignment i am going to shoot myself and Catlin ,we are going to shoot in front of the school where the red brick is, in front of some trees maybe, in the grass, and around the school, inside and outside. in order to make it successful we are going to have to take multiple shots until they turn out good and mess around with the settings in order to get some good pictures.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Rules of Photography Part II

Rule of thirds

Balancing elements

Leading lines

symmetry and patterns



Create depth



Mergers and avoiding them

Monday, December 2, 2013

Great black and white photographers 3

The thing that first caught my eye while looking at the pictures is the subjects and how simple, yet beautiful they are.

When I look at the pictures I see flowers showing off  their beauty,even though small and fragile they are beautiful and make me happy to see them. i also see a vase in one of them and a hat.  i smell a light but sweet smelling perfume,like one my mom would wear. i also smell a vase of roses that were a gift from my dad to my mom. i hear a quiet breeze with birds chirping,nice and calming. like when you are at the park. i taste sweet and delicious candy, like cotton candy, nice and fluffy but sweet and delicate. and i feel a soft and velvety fabric, like one you would feel on a nice new high quality fabric.

i think it would like create a poster or a power point that could really show all of the pictures and the most known works of the artist that I chose.

Caption Writing

1. Curtis Reagan steals a kiss from Lois Lane on Friday in Times Square in New York City. Reagan snatched a kiss joyfully from lane after the announcement that the allies had defeated the Nazis, ending World War II.

2. solders put up a flag of the United States of America on Monday in Germany. soldiers victoriously planted the US flag on Germany after defeating them in World War I.

3.teachers and children run to find safety on October 19th in Connecticut. Teachers hurriedly took the  children to find shelter and protection from a shooting that happened earlier that day at school.

Oliver Jenkins lifts his hand in victory on Tuesday September 3rd in the Yankees stadium. Oliver Jenkins proudly accepted the trophy after victoriously wining a race.

Marylin Monroe covers herself from the paparazzi on Wednesday October 23rd in times square in new york city. Marylin Monroe quickly hid herself from the camera after accidentally walking over a vent,after a photoshoot.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Mural Project preview

  1. a theme that we could use here in school would probably be good of a school Akins is, we would take picture of people having fun learning and coming to school, all the awards that we have and all the academies that are in Akins.
  2. i think the theme should be devoted time and effort so that i could turn out really good and so people would understand what we are trying to show.
  3. an advantage to use a cameras phone would be easier to edit the picture and it would be better because we always have our phones with us so we won't miss a good moment as easily,a disadvantage is that it might be hard for some people to export the pictures once they take them and the pictures might not turn out so clear and good looking.
  4. advantages of using an SLR camera is that the image quality is going to be great, they will look awesome and not so blurry, some disadvantages are that they are a bit heavy and bulky, and people mitt not know how to use them a lot.
  5. i think that we should use both SLR and phone cameras because it would make things easier and i think that i would look cool once its al put together.

Monday, October 21, 2013


I thought that the pictures in the PowerPoint were beautiful and very professionally taken

this is my favorite of all of the pictures, i think its my favorite because it looks beautiful, its clear, it looks like the lion is thinking something really emotional and it just looks beautiful. i like the way he took the portrait of the lion, it has great details and a great angle.

a rules that i see is evident are simplicity,because it has a plain background with nothing distracting so you can see and focus on the subject.

  1. He uses a Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses.
  2. to memorialize the vanishing natural grandeur of East Africa.
  3. his hope is to record a last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are destroyed by the hands of humans.
  4. "This world is under terrible threat, all of it caused by us. To me, every creature, human or nonhuman, has an equal right to live, and this feeling, this belief that every animal and I are equal, affects me every time I frame an animal in my camera. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Academic Shoot reflection

  1. some challenges that i encountered while taking the pictures are getting the people to be where i want them to be and getting good shots.
  2. i found myself thinking a lot about how the picture is focussed and making sure its well in the viewfinder and making sure its clear and crisp.
  3. if i could take the pictures again i would probobly make sure they look a lot better and are well centered and focussed, and that the people could know what the subject is.
  4. i would do my angles and focussing the same.
  5. i think the easies ones to achieve would be balance, rule of thirds, and avoiding mergers.
  6. the hardest ones to achieve would be lines and simplicity for me.
  7. i think I'm pretty clear on what all the rules are but still might need some work on some things.

Academics Shoot


  1. i think that i followed the rule pretty well because you can clearly see the lines in the picture.
  2. the subject in the picture would be the guy walking towards where he wants to go.
  3. it might not be too clear in this picture because the subject isn't too big.
  4. if i didn't follow the rule right i think i would have found something that looked more linear.


  1. i think that i followed this rule pretty well but the only thing wrong would be that the computer screen was in shot.
  2. the subject in this picture is the boy in the middle wearing a blue and white striped shirt with glasses.
  3. i think that it would be clear to people what the subject is.
  4. i think i would try to get a shot without the computer screen in the shot.

Rule of Thirds

  1. i think i did a good job with this rule.
  2. the subjects in the picture are the students on the right of the picture.
  3. i think it might not be too clear for other people to know what the subject is because its too dark.
  4. i think i would try to look for a places with better light.


  1. i don't think i did to good of a  job with this rule.
  2. the subjects in the picture are the people doing their work in the back of the room.
  3. i don't think people would know too much what the subject or rule is in the picture.
  4. i think i should have gotten more in the middle so it could be more balanced.


  1. i think i followed this rule pretty well
  2. the subject would be the two students in the very back working on their lab and helping each other out.
  3. i think it would be pretty clear to people what the subjects are in the picture.
  4. i think i would have zoomed up more on the people, f it was possible.

Avoiding Mergers

  1. i think i followed this rule pretty well.
  2. the subject is the boy in the back talking about the class.
  3. it might not be too clear that the subject is in this picture.
  4. i think i would have made it focus on the people in the back instead of the person on the front.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Academics Shoot Preview

Academics Shoot Preview


The Story

 this picture tells a story because all of the people are together and you can tell that they are praying for something that has to be important, and that they are all united and concentrating on that one thing.
I think that they are praying for all of the soldiers and their families that are at war right now for them to come some safe and for the families not to worry.

Action and Emotion

i think that this picture has action and emotion because you can see that the water splashed somehow, and it has emotion because of the two girls faces look really surprised at what just happened.

Filling the frame

 the frame of this picture is being filled by generous and nice people doing volunteer work to feed the less fortunate homeless people.


  1. i chose this picture because i really like the way it focuses a lot on the guy and the science equipment because the the background is blurry, i think that looks really nice.
  2. the rule of photography that i see in this picture is balance because the picture looks very symmetrical.

  1. i think i could take photos like this in science classrooms, art class, music class and, PE class 
  2. i think i would like to go to ms. Nutall's room, Ms. Mayfield's room, the gym, and maybe a normal class like Ms. Alaniz'z
  3. in order to get pictures like the ones i just saw i would have to find good angles, good subjects, and have a good view of everything in the viewfinder.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Elements of Art and Principals of Design

Line - Lines are marks made by a pointed tool: brush, pencil, pen, etc. Lines can vary in width, direction, curvature, length, or color.

i chose this picture because of the lines on the wall from the wood and the stripes on the zebra.
i chose this picture because of all of the lines in the background of the painting.

Shape - Shapes are formed wherever the ends of a continuous line meet. Geometric shapes such as circles, triangles or squares have perfect, uniform measurements and don't often appear in nature. Organic shapes are associated with things from the natural world, like plants and animals.

i chose this picture because of the cool and special shape of the flowers petals

i chose this painting because of all of the shapes that are in the clothes that the people are wearing.

Color - Color wheels show the primary colors, secondary colors, and the tertiary (intermediate) colors. They also show the relationships between complementary colors across from each other, such as blue and orange; and analogous (similar or related) colors next to each other such as yellow, green, and blue. Black and white may be thought of as colors but, in fact, they are not. White light is the presence of all color; black is the absence of reflected light and therefore the absence of color.

i chose this picture because of all of the really cool and bright colors in the petal of the flower

i chose this painting because of all of the different and bright colors that are used in it

Value (Tone) - Value, or tone, refers to dark and light; the value scale refers to black and white with all gradations of gray in between. Value contrasts help us to see and understand a two-dimensional work of art.

i chose this picture because of the shadows that are in the background

i chose this picture because of all of the cool shading in the sphere and the background

Form - Form describes objects that are three-dimensional, having length, width, and height.

i chose this picture because of the shape of the cube and because you can see the dimension

i chose this painting because of the definition that i can see from the shading that the used

Texture - Texture can be rough, bumpy, slick, scratchy, smooth, silky, soft, prickly--the list is endless. Texture refers to the surface quality, both simulated and actual, of artwork.

i chose this picture because of the way you can see the rough texture of the wood

i chose this painting because of the fluffy texture on the trees/head. 

Space - Space refers to distances or areas around, between, or within components of a piece. Space can be positive (white or light) or negative (black or dark), open or closed,shallow or deep, and two-dimensional or three-dimensional.

i chose this picture because of all of the space around the soccer net 

i chose this picture because of the space all around the girl.

Balance- is the comfortable or pleasing arrangement of things in art. There are three different types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. The human figure is symmetrically balanced; the same on the left and right side. The tree is asymmetrically balanced; its branches are not distributed equally on each side, but their total weight is balanced left and right. The sun is an example of radial balance; all its rays are equal in length from the center.

I picked this image because it looks symmetrical if folded in half

I choose this picture because the butterfly is symmetrical and looks well balanced.

Contrast- is created by using elements that conflict with one another. Often, contrast is created using complementary colors or extremely light and dark values. Contrast creates interest in a piece and often draws the eye to certain areas. It is used to make a painting look interesting.

I picked this image because the black and white are good contrasting

I choose this photo because it is really cool and interesting

Emphasis- in the focal area of an artwork gives it importance. An artist may stress some elements of the design over others. The eye of the viewer will focus on the area of emphasis or center of interest first, then take in the rest of the composition.

I picked this photo because the eye viewer is focused on the man and the things around him

i chose this picture because the fish caches my attention

Movement- in an artwork means the artist is taking viewers on a trip through the work by means of lines, edges, shapes, and colors often leading to the focal area. Movement is a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of placement and position. Directional movement can be created with a value pattern. It is with the placement of dark and light areas that you can move your attention through the format.

I choose this photo because you can tell they there is movement because of the blur in the background and the way the fur of the dog is.

I picked this photo because of its different shapes and lines and how it moves my eyes nicely.

Patterns- are made in art when the same shapes or elements are repeated again and again. Pattern uses the elements of art in planned or random repetitions to enhance surfaces of paintings or sculptures.

I choose this image because it looks sort of like it repeats

I picked this picture because it has nice zig zag patterns

Rhythm- is the repetition of shapes, lines, and forms. Rhythm is a movement in which some elements recurs regularly. Like a dance, it will have a flow of objects that will seem to be like the beat of music.

I choose this image because the bottles are repetetive

i chose this picture because the people are repeating

Unity- means that all elements in an artwork are in harmony. Unity brings together a composition with similar units. For example, if your composition was using wavy lines and organic shapes you would stay with those types of lines and not put in even one geometric shape.

I picked this image because it has all the same basic kinds of shapes

I choose this image because it has different lines and looks like its meant to be all together