Amanda Smith walks around a book exchange center on May first 2012 in alabama. Amanda searched for new books to read and exchange for some she already read to get a better knowledge and expand her horizons.
Pope francis sits down and talks to Christopher Walken June fifth 2013 in the vatican. pope francis calmly talked with christopher about some plans he has for the future.
1. Rule of thirds- the main objet in the picture is placed to the farther left or right grid marks instead of the center.
2. Balancing Elements- the whole picture is weighted evenly with things all around to make it well balanced.
3. Leading Lines- the picture is taken with linear shapes in or around the subject.
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- shapes, forms, colors, or textures are being repeated to create a sort of pattern.
5. Viewpoint- the angle or point at which you take the picture which can make it tell a different story.
6. Background-a picture with the subject standing or placed in front of a plain and simple background.
7. Create depth-a photograph which shows how far a things appear to be.
8. Framing-a picture with things around the subject to make it appear like a frame.
9. Cropping- a picture that shows the main thing in most of the photo, no space is being taken up by unimportant thing.
10. Mergers and avoiding them- avoiding things that cause the picture to look weird like cutting off a person, blending into something because of the color.
Aperture- the size of the opening that lets light into the
Shutter Speed- the speed at which the shutter closes in order to take the picture.