Friday, October 31, 2014

Using Wireless Sync and Remotes

  1. At least two transmitters are needed
  2. It transmits the signal through radio waves
  3. 10 channels are available on the PlusX transmitter
  4.  If the LED light turns solid red when signal is sent or received
  5.  A PlusX connected to the camera and the one in your hand are needed to wirelessly take a picture

Monday, October 27, 2014

Frozen Motion

Motion Preview

  1. you should slow down your shutter speed so you can capture the movement happening in front of the camera.
  2. to create motion in a photo you have to make sure your camera is secure so it doesn't move and you capture the movement , or you can move the camera to follow the subject so you get a blurry background and still capture movement.
  3. it lets us choose the shutter speed and changes the rest of the settings for us, it makes it easier for us.
  4. using a small aperture, decreasing the ISO, and using a neutral density filter can help compensate the long shutter speed when there may be too much light.
  5.  between 1/60 sec and 1/15 sec
  6.  so that it tracks the subject and captures the image well.
  7.  so that its easier to capture the moving object
  8. Focus on moving subjects so as your subject moves closer or move further away your camera constantly updates focus to keep the subject as sharp as possible.
  9.  AI servo is good for shooting moving objects because it focuses on moving objects so you wont have to keep having to focus yourself 
  10. back button focus could be good for action photography because you wont have to refocus every time you hold the shutter button because it will do it for you.
  11. some of the challenges with using back button focus is that it could be confusing to get used to at first, because its a whole different thing we have to do and can be forgotten.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Still Life Assignment

These photos are shot with the front orange pumpkin in focus and are shot in order from widest to middle to smallest exposure; f5.6 ,f16,  f36

These photos are shot with the middle acorns in focus and are shot in order from widest to middle to smallest exposure; f5.6 ,f16,  f36

These photos are shot with the back yellow pumpkin in focus and are shot in order from widest to middle to smallest exposure; f5.6 ,f16,  f36

Friday, October 17, 2014

Snap Shots and Virtual Copies

Basic Color Corrected

Black And white

B&W Split Tone

  1. you would only be able to export one snapshot at a time.
  2. whichever snapshot was applied last will be the one that gets exported.
  3. to make a virtual copy of an image you have to click (CMD + ' ) to turn the snapshots into virtual copies , then edit them and export them.
  4. the advantage of using virtual copies instead of snapshots is that you can export them all together instead of one at a time.
  5. if you delete the master photo the virtual copies would ten also be delete.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stock Photography and Legal Issue Exploration

  1. a model release is a paper stating that its ok for them to be in the photo and makes it clear how the model wants the photos to be used.
  2. to make them easier to find for the buyer depending on what they are looking for
  3. it makes the harder to use because they are commercially licensable photos, so they cant have logos or brands unless you ask for permission.
  4. they don't have enough space for text or a headline around the shot or subject.
  5. they are cheap and can be used whenever you want and as many times as you want.
  6. many people or companies would use the same or similar photograph.
  7. rights managed photographs
  8. royalty free means that anyone  would be able to find the photo depending on the keywords and it would be easier to have the same photo as another company which would be bad for them. rights managed photographs are custom photographs that were taken for only THAT company so it would be less likely that anyone else would have the same photo as them.
  9. what the differences were for having a picture in an ad instead of an editorial/ magazine cover
  10. because it could really help out in the future if a company uses my pictures so i know what to expect to get paid.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Still life Preview

  1. dark background, fruits, elements of photography
  2. some factors that a photographer must consider when taking still life photography are the lighting, exposure, main subject, and elements of photography that they want to be seen in the photo, also the viewpoint of the photo and depth of field.
  3. aperture priority mode is helpful when doing still life photography because it makes sure the correct amount of light is being captured and creates a different mood in the photographs.
  4. sometimes small aperture is beneficial of you want to create a darker mood in the photograph or if you only want partial light to be shown in your picture.

i could make a small set up with some pumpkins and some other fall season things, or i could set up some flowers in a vase and some statues that are at my house with some fruits. or a fruit on an simple background.

it would create a sort of dark or maybe happy mood, depending on the background and light in the background and backdrop color.

i could use a plain black or white background or just something simple to give the subject a really good emphasis.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

First Free Shoot

the subject in this photo is the yellow flower

the subject in this photo is the dandelion

the subject in this photo is the leaves on the plant

the subject in this photo s the red petals of the flower

  1. I'm really happy with how the pictures turned out, they have really good focus and vibrant colors, I also like the amount of detail that I was able to capture.
  2. I think that next time i would try to get closer to the subject so i could get a cooler and better picture.
  3. I learned how to use a macro lens and all of the cool things that i could do in LightRoom like changing the hue, vibrance, sharpness and more of the photo in order to get it the way i like it the best and to get better colors and more captivating details.